Living in a world that changes at warp speed, has it's challenges.There are days when you may wonder, "Should I do what everyone else is doing, or should I follow that small voice that tells me I have something greater to do with my life?" The truth is you do know the answer. I can teach you how to find that clarity, and discover your personal power. I have been at that same place. Through much searching, I have found the tools that led me to feel empowered and begin leading my life. You can easily learn how to become a powerful leader in your life too! If you are ready to listen to your heart and start living your unique and powerful life, click on the link to the right----->>> and sign up for a free consult.
Email me with any questions you have: marquita@stellarcoachingsolutions.com
Marquita Thompson is a treat: incredibly compassionate, giving, fun, and intuitive. Her coaching focuses on helping clients develop the most important thing in life: loving, happy, functional relationships. By helping you become the person you were meant to be, then guiding your through the process of connecting with everyone from sweethearts to colleagues, Marquita will shape the core of your life into something truly gorgeous. Every area of your life will benefit. ---Martha Beck
Listen to Marquita on BlogTalkRadio go to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Marquita-Thompson
Check out my coaching blogs at: www.coachtheworld.blogspot.com www.howtoloveaniceguy.blogspot.com
© Stellar Coaching Solutions, Marquita Thompson, 2008. All rights reserved. marquita@stellarcoachingsolutions.com
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